Friday 30 November 2012

Fight Scene Inspirations

Here are some fight scenes from a few movies that are our main influences:

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Saturday 17 November 2012

Genre Conventions

This is a quick Prezi I made mentioning some things you would expect to see in a music video for the genre of rock, and hopefully ours will feature some of these things too:

Monday 12 November 2012

Animatic Storyboard Drawings

Here are three pages of drawings I did for the animatic storyboard:

Audience Research

Here is a video of us asking a few questions to some people to try and get a good idea of what they are expecting to see in the music video:

Friday 9 November 2012

Rock Band Covers Visual Brainstorm

Here is a brainstorm consisting of CD covers from artists and bands from the genre of our chosen song - Rock :

Monday 5 November 2012

Song Title Ideas