Sunday 23 September 2012

Bachelorette - Bjork (Analysis)

The tone of this music video is quite a dark and ominous one. This is suggested by some of the lyrics, such as 'love is a two way dream', and 'if you forget my name, you will go astray, like a killer whale trapped in a bay'. I think this suggests that the overall theme is a break down of relationships, and also fate, as there are connotations of destiny in the way the book found her, and not the other way around. The book itself could symbolise her ego, as the size of it keeps on increasing as she gets more popular. This also reminds me of the way the diamond's size kept on increasing in 'Army of Me', and perhaps she was trying to link these two videos together.
In my opinion Bjork's videos are always quite interesting, however this could be for one of two reasons - the artist suggests her own ideas, or the directors she works with are auteurs. This was the case when she worked with Chris Cunningham, because he does have his own style in his videos, and when I watch something that he has directed I know he was behind it before I even see his name.

Saturday 22 September 2012

Billie Jean - Michael Jackson (Analysis)

This is a Prezi I made about one of Michael Jackson's most famous songs - Billie Jean.

Friday 21 September 2012

Target Audience

A band needs to appeal to a certain type of audience, and this is usually what makes them decide to do what they do when it comes to the music. The band I am focusing on is Busted, which was an English pop/rock band consisting of three members - James Bourne, Matt Willis, and Charlie Simpson. They were all young teens and their main target audience were teenage girls. This was reflected in the way they were shown in public and in their music videos/performances. The main aspects that I picked up on were the hair, clothes, facial expressions, age, and gender. This was from the following picture:

In this image all three of the boys have their hair dyed and styled in a fashionable way. Their clothes are casual, and they are all wearing black jeans. Their facial expressions are also trying to show that they are young and careless, and this is also shown through their ages as well. This shows that the band weren't trying to go for a grown-up look, as that isn't their target audience. Instead they were going for a young audience, and I assume it would mainly be girls, as I think it would work the other way around as well.
Another band that can relate to this are One Direction, which is a boy band that was formed in 2010. They are also targeting roughly the same audience, and they are using some of the same techniques as Busted. They all don't act too mature, so the younger people feel they can relate to them. Also, the colour of the clothing they are wearing is vibrant and bright most of the time. This is to show that they are young and happy. In my opinion the marketing for bands doesn't change too much with time, and I think it will always be similar to other bands who have targeted the same audience.

Saturday 15 September 2012

Come into my World - Kylie Minogue (Analysis)

The star was the subject throughout the video, and she was being replicated every time the camera ended up in the same position it was in firstly. In a way this could be the director using voyeurism, as we (the audience) wanted to see exactly how it would happen. Also, the video was directed very well. The characters who were duplicated almost interacted on several occasions, so it must have been very well though out. I think Michel Gondry does count as an auteur, as his videos do seem to be quite unique and his own. This one I especially like though, as I love effects that look hard to do, and this one was, as shown below:

Thursday 13 September 2012

Conventions of a Music Video

This is a short Prezi I made to show the conventions of a music video. It is basically outlining the things that we discussed in lesson, except it is now being put to use by analysing artists and music videos.