Sunday 23 September 2012

Bachelorette - Bjork (Analysis)

The tone of this music video is quite a dark and ominous one. This is suggested by some of the lyrics, such as 'love is a two way dream', and 'if you forget my name, you will go astray, like a killer whale trapped in a bay'. I think this suggests that the overall theme is a break down of relationships, and also fate, as there are connotations of destiny in the way the book found her, and not the other way around. The book itself could symbolise her ego, as the size of it keeps on increasing as she gets more popular. This also reminds me of the way the diamond's size kept on increasing in 'Army of Me', and perhaps she was trying to link these two videos together.
In my opinion Bjork's videos are always quite interesting, however this could be for one of two reasons - the artist suggests her own ideas, or the directors she works with are auteurs. This was the case when she worked with Chris Cunningham, because he does have his own style in his videos, and when I watch something that he has directed I know he was behind it before I even see his name.

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