Monday 3 December 2012

Filming Process

The filming process was quite a long one in comparison to last year, however this was expected because with a music video everything has to be very well thought out and planned, and I think the storyboard helped us a lot more while filming too than it did last year. It was split into two Fridays, with a one week break in between. We firstly filmed all the performance parts, and this went very well especially because of the camera we had access to. The training sequence was actually done inside one of our lessons, and for this we again used the same camera, however for the actual fights themselves we had two different cameras that were used.
For the performance we had to take all the instruments and equipment to the place we were filming, and the whole process was quite timely, especially because of a few teachers not allowing us to take some instruments until a certain time, however in the meantime we got all the rest of the props and lighting ready, whilst also connecting one of our phone's to the speakers so the band could hear it from where they were, and also to help whilst editing with the lip-syncing.
The training sequence was filmed during our lesson times on Friday, and this went quite smoothly as it was really just random things being done, and it still looked quite good on camera. After that we all met up after school, and we were using the drama halls, which was also the place we used for the performance part involving the band only. We brought the mats over to the rooms, and this time we were restricted to one room because of the other being used by some other students. Next we gathered quite a few people and got everyone to surround the area we would be fighting, but as it was after school many people left after only a few fights, which is why we filmed the main and most important fights (the last two) first, as this was predicted by the group. We finished late again that day, but after this nothing had been reshot, meaning we did it well the first time, and overall I think filming was a success.
The group did have a few issues with the camera though, as we had to switch to one with less quality, and after a while that stopped working so we had to switch to a handy-cam, and this took down our quality quite a bit. Another thing was that the settings on the handy-cam were different, so we had to export the files separately, and this just added to the time we had to wait before we could start editing. But by the next Friday the group had started editing, whilst also having a lot of behind the scenes shot too, and some of these might even feature in the digipak, which we will hopefully start soon enough as well.

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