Sunday 2 December 2012

Music Video Basic Plot

After discussing several ideas for the music video, and acting upon the information we received from the audience research, the group have finally agreed on a final idea, and I think if it is filmed as the way I myself imagine it, it should turn out very well.
The basic concept involves the lead singer (star persona) being a fighter at the top of his game, however after going into drugs and drinking he accepts bribes from another fighter, but eventually he decides to stop cheating for money, and this comes with a great cost, as he gets beaten up by the briber in a fight. After this event happens, a trainer approaches him and offers to help him and overcome the person who bribed him. The whole training process is then shown, and he eventually gets better and better until he goes on to beat the person who beat him before. The struggle will be shown in the video in the way the sequence of fights are shown. The group have also decided to make the video more narrative based as the storyline is quite a complex one, and we will obviously need a lot of time to try and get our ideas fully across in it.
I think we have considered our audience a lot overall, and taken forward many of their ideas and tried to combine them as best as we can, and hopefully that will show in our final music video as well.

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